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Voices. Knowledge. Solutions.

Important notice: We are currently completing maintenance work on the on-demand courses. Courses will be inactive until further notice. 

This six-hour orientation training was instituted because of the 2003 Amendment to the South Carolina Local Government Planning Enabling Act which established mandatory training requirements for all appointees and staff involved with local planning and zoning. This curriculum is designed to teach the tools necessary for officials and staff to perform their duties responsibly and effectively.

This orientation training has been approved by the South Carolina Planning Education Advisory Committee. The online product is the six-hour mandatory Orientation Training. The six hours are divided into 1-hour sessions and at the end of each session the participant will receive a completion certificate. The training session includes content and video slides with knowledge check quizzes. The training is offered free of charge.

Get started: Each person must have a profile to log into the Association's system. If you already have a profile, login and get started. If you do not yet have a profile, select the button "How to create a profile to begin training" for instructions.   

How to create a profile to begin training