A new interactive dashboard for the Municipal Association’s Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government provides a new way for elected officials to keep track of their online course progress and course registrations.

This on-demand dashboard is active only when a user is logged in and registered for active, on-demand courses with a future due date. It displays the length of time needed to complete a course as well as the due date, or course expiration date. Once the user completes a course, that course credit will be immediately uploaded to the user’s transcript. Once all courses are complete, the dashboard will no longer be visible.
The online MEO Institute courses available are primarily required courses that are also offered once a year at select regional councils of governments locations. The courses are these:
- Basic Budgeting and Municipal Finance
- Forms of Municipal Government
- Freedom of Information Act in South Carolina
- Municipal Governance and Policy
- Municipal Economic Development
- The Five Basics of Effective Governing — this course is optional, has no charge and is not for credit. It will not appear in the dashboard.
Elected officials who need the on-demand courses for graduation during the 2022 Hometown Legislative Action Day on February 1 in Columbia must complete the courses by Tuesday, January 18.
For more information and to access the on-demand courses, visit the MEO website.