The South Carolina Municipal Insurance Trust and South Carolina Municipal Insurance and Risk Financing Fund recognized 13 graduates of the Risk Management Institute.
The institute is a continuing education program for municipal staff who have risk management responsibilities and work for cities and towns that are SCMIT and SCMIRF members. Some of the topics covered in the institute include: employment liability, driving safety, public works risk management, fire policies, special events liability and public safety. To complete the institute, individuals must participate in eight classes over a two-year period.
SCMIT provides self-funded workers' compensation coverage to its member cities. SCMIRF provides all lines of property and casualty coverage including tort liability and automobile coverage for its members. The Municipal Association sponsors both programs.
The graduates are Jamie Caggiano, City of Gaffney; Suzanne Cottingham, Town of Cheraw; Clementine Ellis, Town of Cheraw; Elizabeth Ficik, City of Marion; Le Hendrick, City of Conway; Bill Hughes, City of Laurens; Cecil Kimrey, Town of Pageland; Leonard Lowery, Town of Kingstree; Terry Strange, City of Greenwood; Sam White, City of Union; Julie Wilkie, City of Greenwood; and Jeffery Young, Town of Moncks Corner.